The Brilliance of Gods Artist 

The Brilliance of Gods Artist 


Presenting the creative Artwork by Daniel Poré Sr. 

It has taken 3 decades to finally publish this memoir of my life as an artist. The journey has been fulfilling and so very evident of the presence of God at every turn. Please indulge me as I share how I’ve made myself to be (ART) Available, Reachable, and Teachable

It has taken 3 decades to finally publish this memoir of my life as an artist. The journey has been fulfilling and so very evident of the presence of God at every turn. Please indulge me as I share how I’ve made myself to be (ART) Available, Reachable, and Teachable

Who is Daniel Poré 

Daniel Poré an artist, transcending stereotypes, emerges as a conduit for divine creativity in “God‘s Artist”. From disspelling the myth of a “starving artist” to embracing the role of “Gods Artist” his lifes artistic journey is vividly captured. Whether, portraying family essence, or bringing healing through sketches, his work emanates a deep spiritual connection. As the former resident artist of Drew University of Medicine and Science, Daniels paintings serves as beacons of Hope, Restoration, and Healing virtues of Art. “GOD’S ARTIST” goes beyond a title. It’s Daniels  unwavering belief in Arts transformative power, and the divine purpose behind every brushstroke. Dan believes that when Yahweh gives us gifts we are to use them for his glory!!!

True to Life Portraits are by far Dans forte

True to Life Portraits are by far Dans forte

Acrylic Painting on canvas

Acrylic Painting on canvas

Dan says, “True to life portraits gives me the greatest joy!”

Dan says, “True to life portraits gives me the greatest joy!”

Daniel Lucius Poré Sr.